What Members are saying….

Thank you for the call today! Everyone is going to work their ask off!  I took advantage of my first customer call after we finished up and am quoting two life policies. Being a leader in this space so my team will Do as I do!   

Jennifer W.,  Dallas, TX

I was just singing your praises to Julie about how much I enjoy your classes.  Today, breaking down the I-report instead of taking it as a whole is very doable.  Reviewing 3 or 4 a day makes it seem so simple.  Definitely see how that could cut the Stress and Anxiety of life sales all year and build our customer relationships.  We already have a high referral stream from our clients, this is just the icing to make sure we are touching every policy!  Even the 1946’ers that we look at because they are too old!    Looking forward to the rest of the week!

Erika B., Merriam, KS

Hey Tim, I used the exact verbiage you gave us earlier today on 2 calls and immediately saw results. I really appreciate the help and training; I am loving learning from you. I just moved from the lead team at Jon Jones State Farm to now I’m the Financial Services guy. The learning curve has been steep. I was highly successful at the lead team, averaging 8 Life apps per month while calling auto leads. The transition to a professional financial services role has stretched me. Your training lately has really landed with me and I saw instant results today, Thank you for that!

Ken V., Alpharetta , GA

I would like to say thank you for all of your knowledge and information you have provided us. I am in the aspirant program and waiting for someone to retire in my area. They all keep hanging on haha. The information in these classes are very valuable and I have a whole notebook on the information so far. I plan on using a lot of it in my business plan. When I get an office you will be on my list of classes for me and my team members to take. I do not participate in the emails often, but I do implement what you have taught me. I can not thank you enough for the great coaching you have done so far. See you in class tomorrow.

Kristopher W., Saginaw, MI

I’m in your TDP program (which, by the way, is one of the MOST AWESOME training / development programs I’ve ever been in!).  Thank you for doing what you do! When I say this is one of the best I’ve ever experienced, I’m basing that on a lifetime of training and educational experience. I spent 13 years in the military, taking leadership and development courses frequently as I moved up through the ranks. I’m a former firefighter and a retired paramedic. I’ve been though many courses in those occupations too. 

Every job I have ever held involved working closely with other people – team members, coworkers, customers / clients, and other professionals. I wish I could have attended a program like this early on in my professional life. It would have put me light years ahead of the rest of the pack. This is solid GOLD!

Rich D., Ashland, KY

Three great meetings today.  Lucky was the day when we first met.

Dan B., Austin, TX

Thank you so much for these classes!! Tim, each and every class has been extremely impactful! I always try to take at least one thing away, but I take at least three things away! Not even kidding!! Thank you for helping me build my confidence when it comes to just asking the questions and building my inventory.

Jennifer J., Sterling Heights, MI

Good morning Tim! I wanted to toss over a message to thank you for how informative the classes have been and how useful the information is thus far! Just had a successful UL appointment where I got to use the Group Life Contract and lunch receipt and it worked fantastically. I have also had 2 successful life appointments set using lines and logic from the first two classes. Already seeing major improvements in sales pitches/closing tactics merging your classes with my current sales knowledge! Wanted to toss you over that information, been sharing the information with my team and we have all been taking and applying it across the team already.

Devin M., Scott, LA

"We’ve been watching your Live Zoom sessions this week and I have to tell you first off “Thank You” and how much I/we truly appreciate not only your time, advice, and expertise, but mostly your No BS approach to our lovely existence in the world of insurance sales. Everything you’ve said so far has hit home and I actually asked Theresa “where was this guy 6 years ago when we started and were scrambling trying to make quotas to get her contract?”, our office would be in a whole better position now if we had known about you then. Seriously, if we would have been using your practical tactics and No BS approach to sales all along instead of the traditional textbook and theoretical compliant PC styles they instill in us, I truly believe we’d be twice our size now. Shoulda Coulda Woulda right! Well, we can only fix that going forward which we intend to do, but I have to say it is so refreshing to finally see someone like yourself that shares the same mentality and attitude that will give us that push to  just go for it, and quit being so reserved."

Craig T., Cincinnati, OH

“Your dedication and expertise in this field are truly commendable. Throughout the course, you presented us with practical strategies and insights that have transformed the way I approach my work. Your ability to break down complex concepts into easily understandable steps made the learning process incredibly enjoyable.

 I am especially grateful for the individual attention you provided during the class. Your willingness to address our specific concerns and challenges demonstrated your genuine commitment to our success. Your guidance has not only improved my professional skills but also instilled a sense of confidence in me that will undoubtedly contribute to my future achievements.

 Moreover, your passion for teaching and sharing your knowledge was evident in every session. Your enthusiasm was contagious, and it created a motivating and engaging learning environment. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn from someone as experienced and inspiring as you.

 Once again, thank you for your outstanding efforts in conducting this life class. Your generosity in sharing your expertise has had a profound impact on my professional growth. I am truly grateful for everything I have learned and the positive influence you have had on my work.”

Cindy G, Washington, DC

Jennifer has got 3 life (when one of those appointment came to do the app in person instead of remote I was able to upsell to a 20 pay instead of regular WL) vs 0 in the 5 prior months before training.

Mary B., Ashland, KY

Showing people the value in Life policies and how we can protect their families have been huge in closing each policy.  I know there is lots of room for growth so thank you for all the tools you are providing whether it be talk-tracks, human life value calculator, or just letting them explain what is important to them.  They have all contributed to help me have some early success so far.

Shane P., Bluefield WV

On our first attempt, your process was smooth, easy and the customer was excited just given the fact that they’re getting life insurance at the best price they can, and it will really benefit someone that is dependent on them. I just wanted to reach out and let you know we’re already seeing success with your method!

Kaleb H., Gilbert, AZ. 

Being completely transparent, at the beginning of the Life at 35 Series I was a little skeptical. Your advice, input, and perspective have greatly changed my approach to the conversations I have with prospects and clients. In fact I closed my first life insurance policy today – with help from your advice! I appreciate your time, your help, and the fact you put yourself in a position to teach.

Michael V., Kirtland, OH

I actually have really enjoyed this series. It has put things in different perspectives and has given me tips on changing the way I sell life and health insurance. I really like the tip on presenting life with every single quote given. Most people do not know we even offer life insurance.”

Ashlie L., Huntsville, AL

“Today I had the best life conversation I‘ve ever had!!!!! I was able to present Ming and her husband EACH with a life death benefit of over $5 million dollars. Not to mention a new baby on the way, so I’m excited to offer them a 20 pay for the child as well. A great step forward for me personally!

Alex A, Brooklyn, NY

“I just got this text from Lynnette!! . “Oh my gosh. This life appointment I just had went SO GOOD using Tim’s stuff from this week. I may only get a term from it, but I was so confident and was able to use the tools he demonstrated!”.”

Joan H., Moore, SC

“I must say that I have been super impressed with the coaching. It really does take a lot to impress me as my previous employment was CAR SALES, (may I add I was top sales person 3 years in a row) then GSM. Working with insurance, is a complete different animal. I LOVE the way you dissect everything, most days a light bulb goes off in my head and makes me say “of course that makes so much sense why didn’t I think of that”. Continue to do what you do because you are GREAT at it.”

Luisa G., Brooklyn, NY

“Thank you for all of this. I told William, just the other day, that what you do and your level of commitment is impressive. I feel like you really do care and do even more than you need to because it is the right thing. You exude passion and compassion.”

Brooke F., Dripping Springs, TX

“Thank YOU Tim! Thank you for always putting your heart and mind in these classes – it shows – and we appreciate you.”

Kristina M., Omaha, NE

“Above and beyond, sir! I appreciate your passion, enthusiasm, and the extra time and effort you put into presenting genuine and applicable content.”

Brannon P., Fulton, MS

“It means so much to Jamie and I that you really take the time to help us. Knowing we can come to you for any questions we may have is really such a breath of fresh air especially in this industry. We look forward to our classes every single day.”

Fatima E., Hoboken, NJ l

“Hey Tim, wanted to shoot you a quick note of thanks.  We haven’t been perfect with implementing everything you help with, but your continued reminder to stay focused has been a big part in our recent results.  We made Chairman’s last year, will be Chairman’s this year, and looking at MDRT for the first time as well!  Thank you for the effort you put in and your continued confidence and communication with my team.”

Chris B., Phoenix, AZ

“I just wanted to Thank You again for all the time and effort you invested in my development and the overall development of this office!  You are a complete professional and great at what you do.  Keep up the fight to make this industry better and with that being said I am signing off and headed to State Government.  Its time to open a bottle of Kentucky Bourbon and toast an end to this chapter of my book.”

Brad W., Lexington, KY

“Thank you again Eric for introducing us to Tim. He brings energy and passion to life insurance and it makes me want to ask everyone I have contact with.”

Dennis D., Prescott Valley, AZ

“Life in 60 has been super helpful. At the very beginning when Sonia mentioned if I would like to participate, I was hesitant to accept. I just started & was very nervous. With your help Tim in just 1 week, Not having any experience in the insurance field you have made me feel like I can do this. You have made it super simple & easy. I’m so glad Sonia has given us this wonderful opportunity. In the next 7 weeks I know I will learn a lot. I will feel more comfortable & confident speaking about life insurance.”

Stephanie M., Plano, IL

“I appreciate those sessions so much!  My team is excited to share each and every lesson!  Let’s keep this partnership going!”

BB, Lawrenceville, GA 

I wanted to let you know I used the HLVC a few weeks ago during a life appointment with a married couple (late 30s). I sold the two biggest (premium) life policies of my career. A $500K and $1M 20yr ROP! He needed $4M…we ended up at $1M. And they want to come back for more in the next year. 😊 I couldn’t have done this without YOU, your coaching and tools. Thanks for ALL you do – it is greatly appreciated, and I know I don’t tell you that enough.

Shelly S., Cataula, GA

Love this course and the content! Feel like I am getting better day by day at my job and slowly becoming irreplaceable. The course has taught me so much in such a little amount of time. I now have a fifteen-minute reflection every morning and evening on wheat I want to focus on and accomplish that day and the next. I have tools to sell better, and now I can set appointments the correct way so that my office always has business coming through the phone and the door. Not only am I learning how to better myself, but I am acting on my future by setting appointments for next year and the year to come. Thank you, Tim!  

Charles P., Grants Pass, OR

I really enjoy learning new things from your calls and seminars.  Being a “seasoned” team member of 29 years, I continue to learn new techniques from the information and stories that you share.  I appreciate you and look forward to learning more from you in the future! 

Lisa J., Rockford, IL

Tim you are a phenomenal motivational speaker. I know you teach us lessons everyday, but the way you do it makes it so worthwhile. I have enjoyed all the classes thus far and everyday after class, I sit and think what did I learn today and what can I do to implement them into this job better for me and my team. I was in the mortgage business for 20 plus years so insurance is something completely different and I am just excited to be a team member. With your knowledge and wiliness to teach, I know I will be successful in this business….Thank you very much!!!

Sylvia C., Ownings Mills, MD

“Sometimes all you need is a different perspective and a push of motivation. Coach Tim Lindon has been able to provide that for me and my agency. The first week joining I started to grasp all the ideas. These ideas can transform one little step in the routine to something so amazing. Being able to share personal experiences, examples, and information has been super great. Just a few minutes in a day can change everything. Thank you so much Coach for everything and I hope to continue learning from you in the future!”

Natalie T., Lawrenceville

“I have recently just started my journey with State Farm, and Tim’s videos have given me the tools to ask the right questions. I have become very comfortable with talking to clients about their policies and how we can improve them. Thank you, Tim!

Aubrey M., Greenville, SC

I would recommend 212 team development program to anyone in the insurance agency or any professional industry where sales is an aspect of business. The short lessons are easy to digest, and simple to schedule into a normal work day.

Chad S., Grants Pass, OR

I think I can speak for everyone here in our agency when I say we sincerely appreciate everything that you have done to move us further in our careers and professional development. You have given us the tools needed to better serve our community, and to be a top competitor amongst our peers.  I would highly recommend taking advantage of the trainings to any one within the industry – both seasoned vets, and new agents! The simplicity of the trainings makes new goals and challenges feel obtainable and dare I say it – easy. As someone who has worked for State Farm for a while now, these trainings take me back to the basics and are a daily reminder that it takes consistency in the little things to hit large goals. Again, I appreciate everything that you and your teams does, and I look forward to more trainings in the future!

Emily C., Raleigh, NC

THANK YOU so much for your generosity and willingness to help all of us!  You are always ready to assist and answer any questions we have and you are always full of awesome ideas that we can implement immediately!  We appreciate YOU so much!

Gabriela Ruvalcaba, Morgan Hill, CA

I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE all of our sessions! I’m quite the noobie as I’ve stated many times and I’ve been able to take something from every session and put it into my daily habits to better my own career and find initiative to go above and beyond! Thanks for all you do!

Maggie R., Lexington, KY

As our coach and provider of a daily dose of common sense, Tim has a way of simplifying areas that otherwise feel overwhelming, and breaking down big obstacles into smaller easy-to-accomplish tasks. The end result is that as a team member I can feel in control of my day rather than being controlled. I can implement small changes and see big results, as long I consistently use the techniques. Overall I have been very encouraged by the lessons I have participated in, and also at times been forced to look in the mirror and admit that some of my short-comings are coming from me not putting in the work. It’s healthy to self-reflect and valuable to learn new techniques. I recommend Tim’s classes to anybody who needs professional guidance in a hectic world, and anybody that think they have more potential than their current paycheck is suggesting!

Maria L., Point Pleasant, NJ

I have come to the conclusion that I want you to come sit in my office with me everyday because you are such a motivator!!! You make tasks that seem completely overwhelming, stressful, and frankly “out of my comfort zone” seem so simple, so effortless and so non-intimidating, if that’s a word.  Thank you for your tips on being intentional when asking for our business – we don’t get what we want because most of the time we just don’t ask!  Tips I have learned about having reminders in front of me, such as the colored index cards, using our daily planner, and PRIORITIZING!!!!

Amy C., Florence SC

Tim has helped me refine many techniques in my daily routine, including pivoting more effectively, asking and receiving 5-star google reviews,  and staying organized with the daily planner. I appreciate him and his team for the efforts they make in helping me succeed!

Denise M., Omaha, NE

STAR STAR STAR STAR STAR! Your knowledge, energy, and dedication is unprecedented! You have helped me realize I am much more capable of becoming a phone talking, salesperson……and I enjoy it! Thank you Tim!

Heather B., McDonough, GA

I started Tim Lindon’s program on July 7th, 2023. I have almost 10 years’ experience in the insurance industry, and I’ve learned so MUCH in 1 months’ time. One of the best things that I’ve learned is that I have it within myself to be successful. But you must have the right team behind you and coaching you! You cannot do it on sheer will alone.

Tim Lindon cares. You can tell that he does, and he invests his time in you as a member of this outstanding program. He does it to make us successful!

I’m changed because of meeting him. I’m better. I am UNSTOPPABLE!!!

Natoia M., Edmond OK

I was inspired so much today I asked five people to “help me” Between 1 and 2pm today after class.

Jason P., Manchester NH

The first thing that came to my mind when it was brought up that I would possibly be doing a 2-12 training class with Tim Lindon was oh gosh, I’m going to be flooded with even more information. I myself am brand new to the insurance world and its already very intimidating the amount of knowledge you need to obtain before you can even act like you know what you’re doing. But this training class didn’t make me feel inadequate or overwhelmed. It simply made me look at things differently. My perspective shifted once I was able to apply the things I already knew and what I was still learning to Tim’s stories and analogies. He has you interact with the lesson, answer questions, and LAUGH that you almost forget that you’re in a training class. You’re just listening and talking to REAL people. He has an act for taking something you’re already doing/already good at and polishing it to make it usable in our field so we can excel and be better versions of ourselves then when we started. And he does it with just 15 minutes of your time every day. This is not just something you should think about doing. Its something you MUST do if you want to sell more and grow your business.

Alexis P., Eustis FL

I began my career with State Farm in May of this year, and I had no prior sales experience in the workforce, which concerned me. Tim’s training videos have allowed me to grow as a team member through the experiences he has shared with us. It has been encouraging to hear the stories Tim has shared, very helpful to be able to ask questions, and most importantly, gain knowledge with the company of others!
Hayden L., Fayetteville, GA

You make it fun Tim… We so appreciate your energy and enthusiasm… A big component that is missing in the world today… keep telling your story and shining your light - you are making a difference!
Frank C., Chicago, IL

Would you be willing to give us a chance? Email your212coach@gmail.com TODAY and jump on a few calls with us AT NO COST!